As it was for countless others, the last Siyum Hashas was an inspiration for many here at Eastern Union to begin and complete the Daf Yomi. Since that Siyum seven years ago, the daf has become a part of Ira Zlotowitz, Abraham Bergman and so many other of our staff’s lives, a daily Daf Yomi shiur is given in Eastern’s offices and a 30-minutes recording of each day’s office Daf is emailed to the many who have signed up for it.
In an effort to share our inspiration and provide an extra push to those who have always wanted to start the Daf but didn’t, Eastern Union will be giving out a free Artscroll Schottenstein Gemara to anyone who decides to start Daf Yomi now with Meseches Niddah for the first time.
Coming to the Siyum Hashas as a participant, as opposed to a spectator, will not only transform this Siyum for you, but will hopefully transform your next seven and half years…and onward.
Commit to just start the Daf and we’ll ship you one free volume of Artscroll Schottenstein’s Niddah Gemara. In addition, you will be given access to the Artscroll App for Niddah Volume 1 and have the option to receive the daily email of that day’s Daf Yomi shiur which is given in our office by Rabbi Shmuel Bernath.
If you are interested, simply fill out the form by this Motzei Shabbos (midnight October 26th).
Though the deadline for the free volume of ArtScroll Niddah gemaras has passed, you can still join the more than 2,350 who are taking advantage of our offer and starting Daf Yomi now, by accessing ArtScroll’s App for Talmud Niddah by clicking here. In addition, you can still sign up for the audio of Eastern’s Daf Yomi shiur by Rabbi Bernath by checking the box below.