Executive Leadership

Abraham Bergman

Ira Zlotowitz
Why Eastern Union?
In chess, champions think 14 moves ahead for their competitive edge. At Eastern we do the same. The best players need a coach to help them think ahead, to put each piece in its proper place for the strongest positioning of the many moving parts.
Like a real estate deal.
As a mortgage brokerage, with a track record for strategy and certainty of execution, we’re positioned to be that advisor. And so, by taking every opportunity to be closers, we harness that advantage so it can be yours too. Closing your deal, however, is not checkmate. It’s a critical move, but we’re always thinking multiple steps beyond the closing table.
Like a champion.
Our Philosophy
Trusted advice.
The billions of dollars Eastern Union orchestrates for its clients close on a premise. The premise is a real estate professional who knows the market, knows your competition, designs a customized unique playbook with you and advises you accordingly.
The tens of thousands of individual transactions conducted over the years, the nearly-three billion closed in 2014, the market share outpacing the industry, a 253% growth-rate spanning three years -all these numbers mean one thing: we’re your trusted adviser.
Because of this, the accolades pour in. Crain’s New York Business named Eastern Union as one of the “Top 50 Fastest Growing Firms” we earned a spot on Inc.5000’s annual award and gained recognition from the Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Journal in their “best places to work” feature. The front page headlines featuring Eastern Union executives, market insight from our professionals in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and other top-tier publications brings us back to the same concept: a successful business person is someone you can depend on. That’s the Eastern Union philosophy.
Capitalize On Our Relationships
Relationships are at the foundation of Eastern Union’s structure.
Relationships with savings banks, balance sheet lenders, insurance companies, institutional, agency and Wall Street lenders nationwide translate into a menu of loan products to fit the characteristics of your deal.
We consistently cultivate, develop and maintain relationships with over 85 lenders, a number which continues to grow. With diversity at our core, in the early 2000s we led the pack in CMBS loan production, and in late-2013 we once again hit the ground running on Wall Street, while continuing to increase production from conventional bankers and lenders in every category.
A familiar scene in Eastern Union’s boardrooms: a team of brokers gathered around a lunch-spread while lenders present their products and field questions. These conversations create something deeper than a business relationship, we create trust. As a result, and no matter if we’re teaming up with a conventional lender or turning to Wall Street, we convert the market into your asset rather than your obstacle.